Wednesday 12 October 2011

I wanna dip my dumplings in it!

A couple of really important and exciting things have happened in the past few days:

1)Deb Perelman hasn't published a new post in TWO WEEKS.  She is a professional blogger, that's what she does - or is supposed to do, rather.  Her last post was a       Rosh Hashana recipe for apple and honey challah - sounds good the first forty times you refresh the site, sure - but it's weird and annoying to be wished a happy new year for fourteen days in a row. I don't have an oven, I don't have access to apples, and I'm not even Jewish -so yeah, I was feeling pretty bitter every time the page reloaded with the same picture of that glossy knotted loaf. I went through some less-dramatic (but don't worry, still dramatic) versions of the stages of grief: there was disbelief, a lot of disappointment, some miffed-ness, then resentment, and finally, acceptance.  I've moved on, Deb.  Heidi Swanson  (I know, you guys are friends, whatever) is really doing it for me lately. She just seems so...good. She has blonde hair and only eats whole grains! But best of all of her attributes, she updates her blog frequently. Today I made the golden potstickers she wrote about a few days ago and while she has posted prettier pictures on her site, I will post mine here, anyway:

I found all those stones  on the right while sorting the split peas! I have a special jar  for keeping the stones I find in pulses. This is...not normal, I realize. 

crazy delicious.

2)We found an apartment for next semester! Alas, although we've started to really get used to dorm-living and toaster-cooking, only first semester students are allowed to live on campus.  The school  very conveniently lists "Ross Approved" housing on its website, with pictures and contact information and a checklist of security features and amenities. Next semester's apartment was the first we looked at from the site, and we went with a check because we're just stupidly impulsive and apartment searching is the total worst.  It's a modest one bedroom in a small complex that seems like it was once an economy vacation rental situation. The whole place is charmingly run down in ways that don't matter to either of us - that is, none of the fixtures are new and the furniture inside the apartment will definitely need to be covered (Leah: "How much you wanna bet I never sit on that chair?"). It's cute and has sloped wood-slatted ceilings and it felt good in there. Most importantly, it's only a mile from campus and there's a backup generator for when the electricity (inevitably, and regularly, on this island) goes out. There's also a swimming pool on the grounds! The landlady said we were welcome to take the fruit from the avocado tree and the date palms that are on the property, too, which made me squeal.

patio with ocean view

sweet bacardi poster, huh?


3)I went to Nevis today for the first time - I had a staff development thing for Ade's Place at the vocational training facility for their special education unit. It was neat, really informative and the teachers were super great - but that's boring stuff so I will only talk about these  most amazing flying fish I saw on the ferry ride over there: they burst out of the water, with their giant fan-like fins spread out, and fly, fucking fly!!! for like a long time! before diving back into the cobalt blue water. Watching them was pure joy.

on the ferry returning from Nevis


  1. laura, i had to learn from our blog that there were flying fish? we can't keep secrets from each other like this.

  2. Fitzbella A.12/10/11 5:17 pm

    Wowza. It was like watching Nessie. Flying fucking fish!

  3. Wow! Amazing! The flying fish, the apartment and the potstickers! Fabuloso!

  4. 101cookbooks is so much less intimidating to me than Smitten Kitchen! I feel the way about SK the way most people feel about Martha Stewart (with whom I'm obsessed, BTW): "Eff that, I will never be that perfect or cook anything that perfect. Ever."

    You *could* turn to the (depressingly occasional these days, I apologize) recipes on

  5. those pot stickers look amazing!!!!

  6. Are you secretly taking some kind of food photography course?

  7. I had to read every post on here, cause they were kinda interesting. As a result, I have lost precious television time today. Thanks a lot...

  8. Isn't evolution amazing? Flying fish to many generations do you think?
