Saturday 1 October 2011

st. christopher children's home run

Leah and I are going to try to use this blog to document our experiences in St. Kitts, particularly those that involve sweating, eating, and sweating while eating (which happens...quite nearly every meal).  Today's heat index was 101°F; I ran a 5k that started in the mid-afternoon, on a golf course without any shade.  After the race, I ate something food-like on a bun. 
races make me so nervous. 
mr. x warming up our muscles and spirit. that sounds like i'm being sarcastic - and i am, of course - but he was a soul-stirrer, no doubt about it. just look at how much that guy rules!
can you see all the little kids? yeah, there were many people running who were under the age of 8. and some of them finished before me. there was one girl who was doing the little kid sprint/walk thing and whenever she saw me plodding on up behind her, she would sprint again.  i hated her, truly.  

yup. i ate that.
this was sweating, so i didn't eat it.


  1. Love the blog. I miss you.

  2. So proud of you! Races are scary.

  3. Also, loved The photo of all those people cheering for you as you approached the finish line
